vision statement
To bring people together for a personal encounter with Christ and to accomplish the unfinished T.A.S.K. of…
T. elling others about Jesus (Evangelism)
A. ssociating with Believers (Fellowship)
S. inging His Praises and Speaking His Word (Worship)
K. nowing and Doing the Will of God (Discipleship)
S. erving Others (Ministry)
mission statement
To have a loving and caring congregation
To be a catalyst to bring people to Christ
To celebrate that relationship through meaningful and joyous worship
To teach and train individuals in living God’s purpose for their lives
core values
1. We value purpose and meaning in this life and the life to come through Jesus. (John 14:6)
2. We value the importance of Christian love. (1 Corinthians 13)
3. We value the Bible as God’s Word. (2 Peter 1:20)
4. We value Servanthood. (Romans 12:1-2)
5. We value Worship that is Celebrative and Reflective. (John 4:24)
6. We value Small Groups to teach and disciple believers. (2 Timothy 2:15)
7. We value the Power of Prayer. (Luke 11:1)
8. We value the presence of God working around us and the need to join Him. (John 15:5)