Pastors (ELDERS)
Pastor Mark Weatherford
Senior Pastor
Larry Loucks
Youth Pastor
Scott Adams
Music Minister
Shepherd Staff (Deacons)
Pastor Mark Weatherford, Scott Adams, Ray Bloodworth, Cliff Camp, Dan Davidson, Steve Hopf, Larry Loucks, Don McBride, Rick Nichols, Doug Taylor
Administrative & Ministry Staff
Carolyn McAndie
Church Secretary
Diana Camp
Financial Secretary
Lindsey Tollefson
Director of Kids Ministry
Leadership and Organization of Eastern Hills
In God's Word, people are compared on occasion to sheep. That can be a good or bad thing. One thing is certain - sheep need guidance. Jesus is our Shepherd and Head of the Church - His Body, His Bride. After His resurrection, He told Peter to feed/take care of His sheep. So the New Testament Church begins with Christ's plea to watch over His sheep (those in His fold - believers in Christ). How do you do that? There are three terms in the New Testament that define leadership in the Church and all three are used interchangeably for the same office. "Poimen" means Pastor or Shepherd, "Presbuteros" means Elder or Presbeter, "Episcopus" means Bishop or Overseer. "To the elders... be shepherds...serve as overseer..." 1 Peter 5:1-2 and Acts 20:28
We also see these as definitions of leadership in the Church. In different Christian Churches, different names are used. These are God-Called, and most of the time, paid positions in the Church. (1 Timothy 5:17-18) We have three God-Called Pastors at this time: Senior Pastor, Mark Weatherford; Youth Pastor, Larry Loucks; and Music Minister, Scott Adams. As a Church grows, more Overseers are needed.
There is another word, "Deakonos," which means Servant in the New Testament. 1 Timothy 3 gives the qualifications. This is a servant-hood role in the Church. Our "Shepherd Staff" fills this position. This is a group of men who meet each month to pray for people in the Church, come along-side the Pastor, and help to take care of needs in the Church.
Our Church also includes several Ministry Teams and Bible Study Small Groups that organize the life and outreach of the Church.