Ministry Opportunities
Coming together as the body of Christ in Unity and in Love.
(Ephesians 4:1-3)
Breakfast Fellowship Ministry
To provide Breakfast/ snack foods each Sunday morning. It is also the responsibility of this team to set up and clean up everything in the Breakfast Area (after everyone has finished eating). See Paula Weatherford (over-all contact)
Building & Grounds Ministry
To help keep up the building, make repairs, help with building projects, and maintain the lawn and landscaping. See Cliff Camp.
Children’s Ministries (Birth - 6th Grade)
1. Kid Zone (4 yrs - 6th grade): Teachers share a Bible Story, play a game, and/or do crafts with children. This takes place during the message part of Sunday Morning Worship.
2. AWANA (4yrs – 6th grade): Tuesday nights from 6:15-8:00 at the Church. To help with games and teaching.
3. Nursery (birth – 3 years): We currently have paid nursery workers. The Ministry Team is in place to make sure the nursery is supplied with the proper and needed supplies. Also, to offer extra help when needed.
4. V.B.S.: To provide for a Vacation Bible School in the Summer.
5. Trunk or Treat: To help organize/set up/clean up/publicize our annual Trunk or Treat on Halloween.
Children's Ministry Director: Lindsey Tollefson
Drama Ministry
To help with Church Plays and Skits.
*Espresso Ministry
To make espresso drinks before Sunday services and at special events. See Maureen Eaton
*Finance Ministry
To help count and record money that comes into the Church – To help develop a budget for the Church. See Paul Muncey
Greeters Ministry
To greet people Joyously, with a smile, handshake/hug inside and outside the Church -To answer questions and direct people to appropriate places - Remember, you only get one chance to make a good, first impression. See Rick Nichols. **Note—This is something that everybody should be doing but some people are more gifted in this area.
Helping H.A.N.D. (Help And Need Department) Ministry
A group of men and women willing to help church members with various needs. See Steve Hopf
Hospitality Ministry
We want people to feel Welcomed and “Right at Home”! Basically, this Team will function whenever food is involved – such as fellowships or dinners. See Debbie McBride
Karing Kitchen Ministry
To provide food/meals to anyone who has a need in the event of a family death, hospital stay, or sickness. See Camille Anderson
Library Ministry
To organize and maintain a Church Library. See Christine or John Cosmez
Men’s Ministry
Includes the Quarterly Men’s Prayer Breakfast, organizing Men’s events (Promise Keepers, etc.), and weekly Men's Bible Study. See Brownie for Men's Group/ See Don Axe for Quarterly Prayer Breakfast.
Mission Ministry
This is our outward look as a church to the needs around us. We help people in three ways:
1. In House Needs: People connected to our Church that needs help with food, clothing, housing, etc.
2. Local Needs and Scholarships: To help local worthy institutions like the CareNet, the Food Bank, etc. and to give scholarships to those in our Church taking a Mission Trip.
3. World Needs: To help missionaries at home and abroad
This Ministry Team meets a few times a year to pray for and evaluate needs. It is to also communicate with the Church its progress through bulletin boards, announcements, and special mission services. See Maureen Eaton
*Multimedia Ministry
To help run the video in a Worship Service or special event. Also can involve filming and/or editing video clips. See Chuck Tollefson
*Music Ministry
To assist in Worship through instrument or vocal skill. All music ministries are channeled through our Worship Pastor, Scott Adams, and begins with an interview and audition. Placement is determined by need, availability, and giftedness.
Areas of Service: Praise Team, Choir, Solo & Ensemble, Children’s Choir, Youth Praise Team, Musicals
See our Worship Pastor, Scott Adams
Office Help
To help time to time with copying, collating, binding, etc. when extra printing is done (a special emphasis/campaign in the Church.) Also availabilities for weekly service in folding/stuffing bulletins. See Carolyn McAndie
Operation Christmas Child
To help in the publicity and collection of gift-filled shoeboxes from the Church and community for children around the world in desparate situations. See Paul Muncey
Prison Ministry to Women
A women's visitation program to women in prison. See Susan Hedding
Prayer Ministry
To be part of a team of people that can be called upon to pray for Individual prayer needs and Church prayer needs. Prayer Requests are e-mailed to our Prayer Team. We also have prayer time every Tuesday at 5:30.
Support And Leadership Team is made up of leaders (contact people) from all Ministry Teams, Small Group Leaders, and Staff. This is our Vision Casting Team for the Church.
*Shepherd’s Staff
A group of 12 men to come along side the Pastor to help with physical and spiritual needs of the Church
Shower Ministry
To help plan and decorate for baby and wedding showers. See Paula Weatherford
Small Group Ministries
1. The Host: to provide your home or other location for a small group to meet in -To provide coffee, tea, etc. -To make it a comfortable setting (Meets once a week)
2. The Facilitator: To lead in discussion of a certain book of the Bible or a topic of interest – To call and pray for your group.
*Sound Ministry
To help with the audio of a Worship Service or Special Program. See Steve Sparhawk
Stage Lighting Ministry
To run lights for Worship and special events. Knowledge or willingness to learn about Intelligent Lighting, Robotic Lights, Ellipsoidal, Pars, etc. needed. See Steve Hopf
Usher Ministry
To be our “Minute Men” (or “Minute Women”) – ready to assist in any way needed during the service (help people find a seat, a warm greeting, pass and collect the offering baskets, help with Communion, etc.). See Rick Nichols
Women’s Ministry
To help in the planning of Women’s gatherings. See Evelyn Brown, Diana Camp, or Carry Madison
Young at Heart Ministry
A ministry for our Senior Adults. To help organize regular “Get-togethers” and trips.
Youth Ministries (7th – 12th grade)
To help with any or all of the events below:
1. Youth Group: Bible Study/Games on Tuesday nights from 6:30 – 8:00 at the Church.
2. Sunday Mornings at 9:30 at the Church
3. Youth Outings and Mission Trips: Needs help to plan, organize, and implement trips and outings for the youth -To use these trips as “Bridge Events” for youth to get their lost friends to Church.
See our Youth Pastor, Larry Loucks
*These Teams may require a special talent, training, or interview. They may be limited in size in order to function better.